Join us for The Orchard School’s Summer Camp production of “Disney’s Frozen, Kids!” Students will spend two weeks creating this beloved production from start to finish. Along the way, they will learn basic theater skills and will practice their singing, acting, and dancing. Directed by Orchard Teachers Suellen Sharp and Morgan Bernat, this production is sure to be a hit! Students with all levels of theater experience are welcome. In-person auditions will take place in May, with virtual auditions being available if necessary. All registered students will receive a part. Participants will receive audition information upon registration. Final performances will be on Friday, June 13th at 7 pm and Saturday, June 14th at 2 pm Please direct any questions to Orchard MS Orchestra Teacher Suellen Sharp -
June 2-13, 9:00-4:00
“Disney’s Frozen, Kids!”: A Two Week Theater Camp Directed by Orchard Teachers Suellen Sharp and Morgan Bernat
Performances: June 13 at 7 p.m. and June 14 at 2 p.m.
Auditions for lead roles in May. Virtual auditions will be available if needed.