The Orchard School Tuition Information:
Below you will find important information specific to Orchard implementation to better improve efficiencies and the families’ experience:
- Families are required to create an account for each child enrolled in Orchard. This will facilitate and improve convenience for monthly ancillary charges such as Owls' Nest, Kids and Teens Connect, PE uniforms, etc.
- Each family will be provided one account that should be registered and managed by the parent or custodian with primary financial responsibility.
- Please register the Tuition Management account using a
personal email account.
- Tuition Management will be able to receive scheduled payments via checking, savings accounts, and credit cards. All payments will be via the Tuition Management system.
- Families who choose a 2 or 12 pay option will set up an automatic draw through personal bank accounts or credit cards.
- Families that choose a 1 pay option will be offered an invoice option. Invoices will be sent out 20 days prior to due date. Payments will need to be submitted via Tuition Management. At any point that a family may prefer an automatic draw established, they may change their account settings.
- Below you will see the standard schedule of fees.
- Late fees are $59 and will generate the day after a payment is missed. Orchard will be comping late fees for the first three months (July, August, and September) to allow families to acclimate to the new system.
- Tuition Management will send an email reminder 10 days prior to the due date. If the
20th, due date falls on a weekend or holiday, the payment will be transferred the business day prior.
- Staff who utilize payroll deduction for tuition payment will need to enroll their students on the 12 pay option to address ancillary charges. You will receive further communication from the Business Office regarding your payroll tuition deduction plan.
-Payment plan options will be:
- 1 pay, payment due August 20th – 1.5% discount to tuition
- 2 pay, payment due August 20th and December 20th
- 12 pay, payment due 20th of each month, beginning July 20th