(No classes on 3/25 or 4/1 due to Spring Break)
3:30-4:30 p.m.
Dining Hall
LITTLE MUSKETEERS Sabre Fencing Program is specifically tailored for children of a young age who have not fenced before. The goal is to safely teach students the basics of the sport of Fencing by introducing proper actions and lead them through a variety of conditioned exercises that will improve their balance, agility and timing. The classes are organized into consecutive, progressive sessions that enable all students to continue to build upon their fencing skills, techniques and knowledge.
Fencing equipment is provided for each student by IndySabre Fencing Club and assigned to each student for the duration of this class.
Fencing is a combat sport (the same as boxing, wrestling, etc.) and as any other sport it requires a discipline and proper behavior from the students. Fencing is a workout for both the body and mind; sometimes being referred to a mental chess game. Fencing teaches Honor. Fencing develops self-discipline, self-confidence, respect and responsibility. It teaches how to win (respectfully) and how to lose (gracefully). My goal and expectation is to introduce students to fencing and keep them physically active during our one-hour class (just like a PE type class).
A typical class starts with greetings, a warm up, short footwork, putting on fencing gear and doing short fencing drills. Breaks are taken 3-4 times during the class. Class concludes with fencing bouts and packing the fencing gear back into the bags. The last class of each session typically is reserved for a mini tournament. Students love the competitions!
INSTRUCTOR: Maestro Val Kizik will return as Orchard's Fencing Coach. IndySabre Fencing Club is taking competitive fencing in central Indiana to new, higher levels. In a very short time, under the direction of Maestro Val Kizik, IndySabre fencers have become a presence at local, regional, national and international competitions. IndySabre fencers represent all walks of life. Fencing is a sport that knows very few boundaries in age or gender. At any given training session, you may find students of all ages - from youth fencers to their parents to fencing veterans. IndySabre offers open fencing, group lessons, individual lessons, training tournaments, clinics and workshops, homeschool classes, after-school programs and fencing camps for every level of experience, from the kinder-fencing program to elite athletic training. IndySabre Fencing Club partners with public and private schools and universities, community education organizations, Indy Parks and local YMCA's to provide the best fencing education in Central Indiana.
On behalf of IndySabre Fencing Club, we look forward to sharing the dynamic sport of Fencing with the younger generation. En guarde!Questions? Feel free to contact Maestro Val Kizik of IndySabre at
val.kizik@indysabre.us or 317-374-0524. You may also visit their website at:
http://indysabre.usMinimum of 5 students/Maximum of 12 students needed to run this program.
Fee: $242.00 for the 8-week session. (Please note that parental consent is required prior to actual use of fencing equipment.
All students will need a parent/guardian to fully complete and sign IndySabre's Waiver Form [found below the registration form on the Downloads portion of this page].)(Fees are payable via check or cash)
Please make checks payable to: IndysabreClick on the Little Musketeers Sabre Fencing Program link on the Download section to the right of the Class main page to access the Fencing registration form. Return completed registration form along with payment and the Fencing Waiver Form (found as a link directly under the Little Musketeers Sabre Fencing Program page) to the Extended Programs Office, Attention: Cindy Larsen, The Orchard School, 615 West 64th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260.