For nearly 100 years Orchard students have learned how to turn sap to syrup

[Keep scrolling after the article to see photos from the past and present]

Orchard students first tapped maple trees in the spring of 1927 after moving to Orchard’s second location on 42nd Street. After tapping the 53 maple trees on the campus, students worked with shop instructor Hillis Howie to produce 500 quarts of syrup that year. In 1933, Howie became Orchard's second Head of School.  
The tradition of tapping trees continued when The Orchard School moved to the current 64th street campus. Under the guidance of beloved teacher Fred Lorenz, Orchard students first tapped the maple trees in the Orchard Woods in the spring of 1958. Since then, tapping trees and making maple syrup has been a highlight of the school year, especially for the first graders learning the details of the process from start to finish as part of their science classes with such teachers as Diana Shellhaas, Vicky Prusinki, Joe Bricker, Colleen Bumford, and Jason Peterson. 
When the sap starts running in February, everyone gets ready for the delicious syrup and pancakes that are on the way at the annual Pancake Breakfast supported by the Alumni Heritage Association.

Speaking of pancakes, CLICK HERE to register for Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, March 5th, 2023!  And CLICK HERE to purchase your pancake shirt!

Just follow your nose to the fire at the Sugar Shack! 

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